Terms of use of dental services

These Regulations define the rules for the use of dental services in the Edent practice with the organizational unit Stomatologia Edent at ul. Batalionów Chłopskich 87 lok.U6 Warsaw, the medical entity is Krystian Adamczyk with registry no. 000000222165.We specialize in conservative dentistry, root canal treatment, prosthetics, aesthetic dentistry, dental surgery treatment and treatment of children.Gabinet Stomatologia Edent is a private health institution and does not provide benefits under the National Health Fund.
1. You can register for the visit in person, by phone and by electronic means (e-mail).
2. We kindly ask you to register for the first appointment 10 minutes in advance in order to complete the necessary medical records, providing data allowing identification of the Patient.
3. During the first and subsequent visits, the patient may be asked to present an identity document.
4. The length of the visit needed to perform the procedure is decided only by the doctor.
5. During the visit, the doctor determines the optimal treatment plan and presents alternative methods of management with a preliminary cost estimate.
6. Before proceeding to the procedure, the patient gives written consent to the procedure.
7. The day before the appointed date, the reception staff contacts the Patient by phone to confirm the visit. In the event that the patient does not answer the phone, an SMS message is sent asking for confirmation.
8. In case of failure to contact the Patient to confirm the visit, the visit may be canceled and the Patient will be notified by SMS.
9. Due to situations beyond our control, there is a possibility that the patient will not receive a reminder about the visit, therefore we ask you to remember the appointments.
10. Patients who want to speed up treatment can subscribe to the Waiting List. In the situation when another Patient gives up his appointment, the reception staff first notifies by phone about the available appointment of Patients from the list.
11. Dental services of our office are performed at the highest level by qualified employees. The condition for maintaining the guarantee for the services performed is to attend the check-ups carried out every 6 months and follow the indications recommended by the dentist and perform them in the Edent office.
12. Complications not subject to complaints:

Before planning treatment, the patient must be aware that despite the utmost care of the doctor during treatment, unwanted and non-reportable complications may occur, such as:
-pain in the treated tooth or surrounding tissues
-crack, fracture of the tooth;
-soreness of soft tissues,
-prolonged bleeding (after surgery);
-increased body temperature,
-feeling unwell;
-allergic reaction to the drugs used;
-exacerbation of concomitant diseases;
-hypersensitivity of teeth after bleaching.

The occurrence of the above complications can cause the patient, among others:
discomfort and stress caused by pain;
-the need to take medications that are relevant for drivers and pregnant women;
-problems with eating and speaking,
-aesthetic problems;
-unplanned root canal treatment of the tooth;
-unforeseen tooth extraction.

Most of these complications occur sporadically and pass quickly, without a trace, however, serious dental procedures should not be planned before important events such as a vacation or a family celebration.
13. Preparation and receipt of medical records takes place after the written request of the Patient or legal guardian for its availability has been submitted in advance. The aforementioned medical records will be issued upon presentation of an identity document. The issuance of copies of medical records is free of charge.
14. Any item on the basis of which the course of a medical procedure can be documented is a medical record.
15. The Edent Stomatology practice has a Privacy Policy and Personal Data Processing.
16. Edent dentistry is under constant audio-visual supervision, excluding sanitary rooms.
17. The patient is financially responsible for damage caused to equipment and furniture.
18. Edent Dentistry is not responsible for items left unattended on the premises of the clinic.
In accordance with Art. 24 of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101 item 926, as amended), it is hereby informed that the administrator of the voluntarily provided data is Edent Krystian Adamczyk with its registered office at 3a/42 Brothers Załuskich Street in Warsaw (postal code: 01-773). The data will be processed in order to carry out the medical services offered by the data controller.

Final provisions In matters not regulated in these Regulations, the Organizational Regulations shall apply together with the provisions of: — the Act on Medical Activity of 15 April 2011 (Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 112, item 654, as amended), — the Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman Act of 6 November 2008 (Journal of Laws of 2011, Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 112, item 654, as amended). 2009, No. 52, item 417, as amended).
The rules included in the above regulations have been operating in Edent Stomatology since December 6, 2019.